October 11th, 2011 - Session#: 185
Warmup: Bx5, 135x5, 225x3
Bench Press
Warmup: Bx5, 95x3, 135x3
Workout Notes
Since the gym was closed over Thanksgiving, I had to miss yesterday's workout and catch up this morning. I got up at 6, left out to get to the gym at 7 when it opened, planing to finish and get to class for 8:30. It turns out that I mixed up my schedule, and only when I opened the classroom door and saw what was obviously not my class did I realize - I had gotten back at 8:30 when my class was at 10! I didn't want to walk back to the gym again and everything, so I just hung around until class. I'm typing this from my Linear Algebra class, which totally sucks, due to the fact that my prof, though a nice lady, is teaching for the first time...in ENGLISH.
I either draw, go on laptop, or fall asleep. My brain would rather shut down then put up with listening to her. The textbook sucks, but the solution manual that comes with it is really good. Also, the overheads are posted online later that day. So it's not all that bad.