Feminism is a harmful ideology that parades
itself as a quest for equality for women, while the effects of its adherence in
the real world show the generation of increased female privilege. “Feminists
usually use the term “equal rights for women” which if examined logically,
excludes the consideration of human rights for men, (a revealing slip in their
rhetoric). However, whatever they claim as a supposedly humanist, equalist,
egalitarian goal, it all amounts to happy talk and baloney, because an examination
of the activism and produced outcomes of the past half century reveals that
feminism’s true goals are sharply at odds with any public declaration of
equality or humanism.” John the Other, http://www.avoiceformen.com/feminism/agentorange-feminist-lies-and-confused-trans-activists/ Again, feminists'
actions are not to create equality. Here are a few examples of where feminists
use lies, falsehoods, and propaganda to play on people’s emotions to illicit
In rape cases, the feminism generates a
world-view where:
All men are rapists
Being the woman is synonymous with being a
To reduce rape, instead of encouraging something
that was well-meaning and sound advice for women to stay safe, blame rape on
1 in 4 college women will experience sexual
As it were, rape is not a one-way street and
does indeed happen to many men.
Focusing on the 1 in 4 statistic, when the study
is examined, some fiddling becomes apparent. The women who responded that they
had never been raped but had had sex under ANY influence(even one drink), and a
few other cases that would not be called rape by any layman’s standards, were
included as having been raped. Why is this so? Feminists ironically, look at
women as relatively weak-minded individuals. They believe that in many
ridiculous cases, women cannot give consent. Some have even stated that women
as a group are too weak to give consent to sex individually.
The feminist action on this issue has been most
severe on college campuses, where they’ve moved to push for easier convictions
in cases of rape accusations, by increasing the time limit a victim has to come
forward, and lowering the standard of evidence required to a “preponderance of
evidence” which could create a conviction on nothing other than a possibly
false accusation.
4.8% of American men claim they have been forced
to penetrate someone else. That’s more than three times the number who have actually
been raped according to the FBI’s “penetration” definition of rape.
The 1 in 5 number for female victims in the CDC
report also uses a definition of rape which conflates sexual harassment with
sexual assault and rape, revealing a strong ideological bias.
While the CDC survey counts 1.3 million rapes of
women in 2010, the total number of rapes and sexual assaults (of males and
females combined) in the Justice Department survey was 188,380”. These two
numbers are an entire order of magnitude apart.
o Prison
rape, due to the overwhelmingly male prison populations in western nations,
also targets predominantly men and results in roughly twice as many men raped
in prison each year than women raped outside of America’s prisons
Further reading:
Domestic violence (eg. VAWA)
Feminists play on the common belief of domestic
violence solely being men beating on women. The actual statistics show:
"30.8 per cent (almost one in three)
victims of domestic assault were male." "The SA Interpersonal
Violence and Abuse Survey (1999)[4] found that 32.3 per cent (almost one in
three) victims of reported domestic violence by a current or ex-partner
(including both physical and emotional violence and abuse) were male." http://www.avoiceformen.com/feminism/feminist-lies-feminism/on-male-victims-of-domestic-violence/
In light of this evidence, it makes little sense
for feminists, who purportedly desire to make the world a better place to push
this repeated narrative that ‘men are oppressors and abusers, women are
victims. If feminists want to do what is right, and reduce DV on the whole, it
makes sense to look at both significant portions.
What do feminists actually do on this matter?
They push biased legislation such as VAWA, oppose any proposed changes to the
bill to make it more gender neutral and fair, and completely ignore other
biases such as the numbers of safe houses for battered women versus men.
“The movement whose early second wave was funded
by bankers and statesmen has driven a wedge of hatred into the heart of
society, pitting men and women against each other, destroying the social
cohesion of the family, leaving many women to lives of dependence on the
state.” http://www.avoiceformen.com/feminism/feminist-lies-feminism/lets-belittle-men/
Reproductive rights &
male contraceptive pill
Feminists oppose any reproductive rights for men,
hoarding power over everything that happens to a child after conception.
A known saying in cases where cheating may be
involved is “Mommy’s baby, Daddy’s maybe.” The purpose is to note how a woman
always knows that the child is hers, while the father does not without testing.
-Aaron T
Next time…the harms on people and
society from feminism as well as its core: radical feminism.