June 27th, 2011 - Session#: 136 Week 4 Workout 1 Weight: 186.4 lbs
Time: N/A
Military Press Bx5, 80x5, 85x5, 95x5
Incline Bench Press3x135x5
Weighted Dips This time: 20
Conditioning Javorek Complex & Sledgehammer Swings
Notes:Deload week...boring time before I start 531 for Powerlifting!
Also I came up with a new method of choosing conditioning options. I wrote down different options(Sleds + Box Jumps, Lunges with Sandbag Carry, 2x3 minutes running, Boxing, Cosgrove Complex, Javorek Complex, Javorek Dumbbell Complex, Sledgehammer Swings, HIIT, Battle Ropes + Box Jumps, Farmer's Walks + Box Jumps, Tire Flips + Box Jumps ) on cards and choose 2 from a hat. Now its much more random.
June 28th, 2011 - Session#: 137 Week 4 Workout 2 Weight: 187.2 lbs
Time: N/A
Squat Bx5, 135x5, 215x5, 230x5, 250x5B
Rack Pulls skipped
Box Squatsskipped
Conditioning Walking
Workout NotesMy hips have been feeling weird lately, so I skipped the left of my workout.
AaronNew pics!